Item is a photograph of a float in the Armistice Day parade in front of Kennedy's Hotel. in St. Andrews, N.B. Navy League float: Gerald Babbitt, Jamie Caughey, Alice Caughey, Leigh Williamson. Mrs. Thos. Coughey had a most artistic float a large row boat filled with children, herself as Brittania
Item is a photograph of a float in the Armistice Day parade on November 16, 1918 in front of Paul's Hall on King St. in St. Andrews, N.B. Red Cross Society. Billy Bell, horsemaster
Item is a photograph of a float in the Armistice Day parade in front of the Presbyterian Church in St. Andrews, N.B. Red Cross Society. Billy Bell, horsemaster; Mrs. G H. Stickney, Mrs g. Elliot, Mrs. S.Shaughnessy, Mrs Percy Hanson; Mrs. N.F. Kenendy, Mrs. Richard Keay, Mrs. E.A. Cockburn, Mrs. R.D. Rigby. Four little boys, Joe Finnigan, Harry Higgins, Jos. Higgins and Roland Dixon, stretcher bearers.
Item is a photograph of two boats built in St. Andrews during WWII at CPR Wharf. Built as minesweeepers configured from fishing boats for shallow draft.
Item is a photograph of guiders in international costumes at Girl Guides International meeting.
Names au verso:
front: Beth Riddoch of Calgary; Mrs J.B. Hartnack of Copenhagen in Danish Girl Guide uniform; Miss Ruth Holfyard , St. Johns Nfld in official camp uniform; Mrs. Earl T. Caughey, Passamaquoddy Division Commissioner, St. Andrews.
Second row: All in national costumes: Miss Pearl Chien of Canton, China; Miss Mariquita S. Castelo of the Phillipine Islands; Mrs. Wm. Lee of Korea; Miss Piloo A. Dordi of Bombay, India; and Miss Ellie Tzalopoulou of Athens , Greece.
Third Row: Miss Ruth Ellisgaard of Copenhagen, Denmark in YWCA Guide uniform (dark green); Miss Gwendoline M. French of Nassau, Bahamas in tropical Guide uniform; and Miss Irma G. Robb, Jersey City, N.J. in U.S. Girl Scout uniform.
Item is a photograph of two men with a canoe, one in a suit jacket with waistcoat and bowler hat and the other wearing traditional Indigenous clothing.