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P295: McQuoid family fonds
Dublin Core
P295: McQuoid family fonds
Collection Items
Two men cutting ice
Item is a photograph of two men cutting ice
Moving boiler to Stuart's Quarry
Item is a photograph of men and horses on snow
Moving boiler to Stuart's Quarry
Men loading blocks of ice on truck
Item is a photograph of men loading blocks of ice on truck
Men with ice cutter on lake
Item is a photograph of men with ice cutter on lake
Three men loading blocks of ice on truck
Item is a photograph of three men loading blocks of ice on truck
J. W. Parkins with a string of fish
Item is a photograph of a man with a string of fish
J. W. Parkins, St. George
Three men loading blocks of ice on a McQuoid's Trucking Service truck, St. Andrews, N.B.
Item is a photograph of three men loading blocks of ice on truck
McQuoid's Trucking Service, St. Andrews, N. B.
Three men unloading blocks of ice
Item is a photograph of three men unloading blocks of ice on lake
Three men lifting block of ice on lake
Item is a photograph of three men lifting block of ice on lake
Three men breaking ice on lake
Item is a photograph of three men breaking ice on lake
W. Lynott and J. W. Parkins holding a rod of fish
Item is a photograph of two men holding rod of fish
Seven men with a rod of fish
Item is a photograph of seven men and a rod of fish
W. Lynott and J. W. Parkins holding a rod of fish
Item is a photograph of two men holding a rod of fish
W. Lynott, J.W. Parkins, St. George
Albert McQuoid playing the piano for staff at the Algonquin Hotel
Item is a photograph of people gathered around a piano outside
Two men in uniform
One posed with a gun, the other on a bicycle
incompletely catalogued
One plane flying
incompletely catalogued
Three planes flying above clouds
incompletely catalogued
Four airmen standing in front of a tent
Three airmen outside
incompletely catalogued
Seven airmen and a dog beside a plane
incompletely catalogued
CPR station, St. Andrews
Item is a photograph of the small CPR station in St. Andrews, with the Algonquin Hotel in the background.
Two men cutting ice
Item is a photograph of two men cutting ice
St. Andrews Hockey Team
Item is a photograph of St. Andews Hockey Team
John O'Neill, Frank Haughn, Leigh Williamson, Cecil Williamson, R. Love, H. B. Hachey, A. W. Rigby, W. F. McMullon, G. Johnston, G. Stinson, Loren McQuoid, Hope McQuoid, W. C. O'Neill
Young girl dressed in an angel costume
Item is a photograph of a young girl dressed in an angel costume
Raymond McQuoid as a child
Item is a photograph of Raymond McQuoid
Eight airmen posing for the ninth airman's camera
incompletely catalogued
Collection Tree
P295: McQuoid family fonds